Racial discrimination is not a permissible solution. That can only weaken the principle of equality embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Equal Protection Clause. Show me in the Constitution where you get a right to separate citizens based on race. I think what we've become comfortable with is thinking that there is some good discrimination, and some bad discrimination. Well, who gets to determine that? And if you look in the briefs and the race cases, the segregationists, the people who thought you should have a separate system, they said that they thought it was good for both races. So they thought it was good discrimination.
Clarence Thomas: What I was told that they needed cover for the women's groups to oppose me. So they needed the NAACP out front. (News Clip 1: "Write your senators and representatives. Tell them Clarence Thomas is unacceptable. He has indicated that he believes in Natural Law, and he does not believe in privacy." News Clip 2 (Flo Kennedy): We don't need a lot of questions to be asked before we Bork this guy. We simply, immediately Bork him. News Clip 3: We want you to organize pickets at their offices, follow them from the airport to the supermarket. News Clip 4 (Patricia Ireland): There is substantial opposition to Clarence Thomas. His history of supporting a judicial philosophy that is really out of step with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Clarence Thomas: We know exactly what is going on here. And to pretend it is for some other reason, stop. Do I have stupid written on the back of my shirt? Come on, we know what this is all about. This isn't about what they say it's about. People should just tell the truth. This is the wrong black guy. He has to be destroyed. Just say it. Now at least we are being honest with each other.
Thomas Jefferson had written in 1776 'all men are created equal, they are endowed by their creator, with certain unalienable rights'. That's natural law in a nutshell. How then could a country founded on these principles have permitted slavery and segregation to exist? The answer was that it couldn't, not without being untrue to its own ideals. I was looking for a way of thinking, a set of ideals, that fundamentally, at its core says slavery is wrong. At its core. Which Natural Law of course does.
I felt as though in my life I had been looking at the wrong people as the people who would be problematic towards me. We were told that, oh it's going to be the bigot in the pickup truck, it's going to be the clansman, it's going to be the rural sheriff. I'm not saying there weren't some of those who were bad. But it turned out through all of that, ultimately the biggest impediment, was the modern day liberal. That they were the ones who would discount all those things because they have one issue or because they have the power to caricature you.
Someone has a theory, and then they insert human beings into their theory. Sort of like 'have theory add people'. It's like instant coffee or something. Have coffee, add water. But I knew one thing, nobody was going to have some social experiment and throw my son in there.
So I'm asking myself why are you doing this? There's nothing positive going on, and I'm getting the heck beat out of me. I have to then flip it around a little bit. For what will you die? Is there something in life that you will die for. What about your principles? So I decided that the principles on which I was raised, my grandparents , the principles of this country, were worth dying for.
At some point, we’re going to be fatigued with everybody being the victim.
There's different sets of rules for different people. If you criticize a black person who's more liberal, your racist. Whereas you can do whatever to me, or to now Ben Carson, and that's fine because you're not really black because you're not doing what we expect black people to do. It's a tactic and when people seeing it being successful they don't realize, they're going to be the next ones in the 'Tower of London'. It's just a matter of time. You allowed this to be a precedent in your society, and you people might say 'oh, 'it's wonderful this particular guy is getting tarred and feathered'. Well, there's a lot of tar and a lot of feather, and eventually you will be there.
Clarence Thomas: We'd just gotten back. And that's when all heck broke loose. Virginia Thomas: A call cane from The Whitehouse that we were going to be visited by the FBI. Narrator: What was that like when the FBI came? Clarence Thomas: As soon as they stepped in they said "Do you know Anita Hill?" and I said "What?" And then they said "Did you ever try to go out with her or did you ever discuss pornographic stuff with her?" … No. No way! And I said you've gotta be kidding me. And then it's just like, you're deflated. You said this is where we're going now.