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quote icon You hearken to that still small voice that whispers eternal truth, that opens the visions of eternity to you that you can discern, understand and follow, and the foul spirits that throng the air, and that fill our houses if we let them in, will not have power over you. (15:7) Every individual that lives according to the laws that the Lord has given to his people, and has received the bless- ings that he has in store for the faithful, should be able to know the things of God from the things which are not of God, the light from the darkness, that which comes from heaven and that which comes from somewhere else. This is the satisfaction and the consolation that the Latter-day Saints enjoy by living their religion; this is the knowledge which every one who thus lives possesses. (16:163) Discourses of Brigham Young, pp. 30-35. Compiled by Elder John A. Widtsoe

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