Jesus himself, though the Son of God, and possessed of all power in heaven and on earth, did not generally exer- cise his power without an ordinance. Hence, we read of great multitudes of the sick and afflicted being healed by the laying on of his hands. He also put his hands upon little children, and prayed for them, and blessed them. At one time he went up into a mountain, and called "unto him whom he would; and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach." (Mark iii. 13. 14.) He laid his hands upon a woman who had been bound by Satan eight- een years, and she was delivered from the evil spirit. (Luke xiii. 13-16.) Jesus said that all believers in his Gospel should receive certain signs, among which it was promised that "they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall re- cover." (Mark xvi. 18.) Jesus put his hands upon a blind man and he was partially healed; and he put his hands again upon his eyes, and he was fully restored.