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quote icon “You don’t need anyone to tell you what to believe or who to worship. . . .You don’t need to follow any set of rituals. You don’t need to worry about an angry God not allowing you into heaven. You don’t need to march into these great temples or intolerance and be told what is God’s inerrant and infallible word, because the simple truth is that nobody really knows that. . . .All I know is that you’re not slaves and you’re not part of any grand master plan. . . .you are all God’s children. . . .You create your own destiny. And you need to accept that responsibility and put aside your egocentricity and stop looking for excuses in tired old myths. You make your own fate every single day. You need to look after each other. You need to look after the land that feeds you and gives you the air you breathe. You need to assume your duty toward all of God’s creation. And you need to accept the credit for the good and take the blame for the bad.” ~ Father Jerome

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