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quote icon What do you think it is about the power of music that brings people together, builds bridges, and heals hearts? I'm really fascinated by this idea of one mind. There are very few places I can think of in the world where thousands of people go to and all put their hands in the air simultaneously, all sing along to songs that have ideals in them that they believe in, and all jump up and down together, sweat together, dance, laugh, cry. The only thing I can sort of compare it to is a sporting event when people all cheer together for one team. The only difference is that, then, half the people in the audience go home feeling sad because their team lost. There are very few places where you have this idea of one mind with people all going together. And I think it’s a great experience. You know, I see people coming to shows carrying the stress of the world on their shoulders and they dance and sing and laugh and cry. Then they walk out a little bit taller, a little bit more able to face whatever it is that’s coming next for them in their day.

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