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quote icon What's it like to be a woman? A little bird whispered in my ear. Is it just like being human? Oh it is so much more, my dear. We are the holders, we are the keepers, Of the secrets and the truth. We are the safe place in a storm, The creator of all youth. We are the place where life is softest, We are the colour in the story. We are the wisdom and the instinct, Mother Nature in all her glory. We are the taker of all worry, We keep it deep within our hearts So that others may unburden, So that great new lives may start. We are the makers of the home, Not just the walls but of the spirit. Bringing everyone together, Letting love and laughter fill it. We are sisters, mothers, wives, So many things in every day. We are the start of every life, We are the reason, we are the way. We are fueled by intuition, Call it magic, if you like We are women, we are so much more, Than any words that I could write.

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