Why should your
rights to freedom of speech Trump a
trans person's right not to be offended
because in order to be able to think you
have to risk being offensive I mean look
at the conversation we're having right
now you know like you're certainly
willing to risk offending me in the
pursuit of truth why should you have the
right to do that it's being rather
uncomfortable well I'm I'm very glad I
put you well I'm you get my point as
like you're you're doing what you should
do which is digging a bit to see what
the hell's going on saying that is what
you should do but you're exercising your
freedom of speech to certainly risk
offending me and that's fine I think
more power to as far as I'm concerned so
you haven't stopped that and I'm just
right I'm just trying to work that out I
mean ha gotcha you have caught me you
have caught me.