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quote icon Although Christ - the Firstborn in the spirit and the Only Begotten in the flesh - is the Son of God the Father, and as such is a separate and distinct personage from the Father, yet there are three senses in which Christ is called the Father. ... 1. Christ is the Father in the sense that he is the Creator, the Maker, the Organizer of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are. (Isa. 9:6; 2 Ne. 19:6; Mosiah 15:4; 16:15; Alma 11:38-39; Ether 4:7.) 2. He is the Father of all those who are born again (Mosiah 27:24-29), who "are begotten sons and daughters unto God" through his atoning Sacrifice (D. & C. 76:24), who are "spiritually begotten" through faith, thus becoming "his sons and his daughters." (Mosiah 5:7.) 3. He is the Father by what has aptly been termed divine investiture of authority. That is since he is one with the Father in all of the attributes of perfection, and since he exercises the power and authority of the Father, it follows that everything he says or does is and would be exactly and precisely what the Father would say and do under the same circumstances. Accordingly, the Father puts his own name on the Son and authorizes him to speak in the first person as though he were the Father.

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