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quote icon Interviewer: Your dad said said to you, you must never look startled. John Cleese: That's right because he had been in India, mixing with the upper-middle classes. And he noticed how they behaved. It's really baboon behavior. If you want to see how to behave as an upper-class person, go and watch the baboons. They're not startled. They move very slowly all the time. Interviewer: The number one rule is not to be embarrassing or to be embarrassed. John Cleese: Yes. So if you look at the royals, what they do is they keep these cheek muscles completely rigid all the time. It enables them to move their mouths around like this, rather in a sort of humorous way. And all the emotion is you, completely, uh, you know, superfluous, and unnecessary. It's a straight-jacket. That's upper class behavior.

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