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quote icon Bill of Rights –  of the 20 or so freedoms identified in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, freedom of religion and freedom of speech are most critical to the survival and vibrancy of the nation.   ##   Religious freedom is under attack as some claim it’s a hide-behind for abusive patriarchy, racism and homophobic bigotry.  It ties with freedom of speech as anti-religionists seek to banish from the public square opinions based on religious values.  But instead of writing rules to force Catholic nuns to buy contraception coverage or bakers to decorate gay wedding cakes or to punish people who kneel during the national anthem, why not let the free market decide whether they should be rewarded, punished, or ignored? We note also the drive for more censorship of the Internet.  Some have called for a reality agency to flag disinformation and root it out.  Would such a Truth Czar be impervious to political pressures?  Would freedom of speech survive?  The right of free speech does not obligate others to listen, but don’t put it past certain types to try to mandate it.

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