Democrats kept saying in the campaign, "You can't possibly think Trump is preferable to what we're selling," and many voters keep saying "Yes. We. Can. In fact, our primary reason voting for him is to create a bulwark against you. Because your side thinks silence is violence, and looting is not. Because you're the party of chasing speakers off college campuses, and making everyone walk on eggshells, and replacing "Let's not see color' with "Let's see it always and everywhere.'" formerly the position of the Ku Klux Klan. It would be so easy to win elections if we'd just drop this shit. Democrats need to listen to our new President-Elect's old boss
OBAMA: This idea of purity and you're never compromised, and you're always politically woke and all that stuff -- you should get over that quickly.
MAHER: Quickly -- like before they vote in Georgia.