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quote icon "Less than a month ago on July 31st, the CDC ... released guidelines to state health departments about patients infected with the coronavirus," Carlson said. "In a footnote, the CDC acknowledged that researchers lacked evidence that 'masks offer any protection' against coronavirus. Any at all." According to Carlson, the CDC urged state health departments to "ignore whether or not people were wearing masks," deeming it an insignificant consideration when monitoring the spread of the virus in their area. " In other words, wearing a mask might be completely irrelevant to preventing the spread of the virus," he said. "So there is still no proof that masks protect us against COVID-19?" Trump vs. Biden: Deal with the virus then reopen the country?Video "Why isn't that on page one of The New York Times?" Carlson asked. "Why is the entire media, the entire leadership class of the United States of America ignoring this? Masks are obligatory, they're mandatory, everywhere. "What is going on?" he continued. "You know what is going on. Fear works. The more afraid you are, the more you will accept ... it's human nature. The more cut off you are from your family and your friends, the more power they have to control you.

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