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quote icon I'm so excited for Churches and Temples to reopen so we can meet together again like in the old days in my memory of February 2020. I learned a little lesson from the Merritt branch members while we were there. Merritt is a tiny branch in a tiny town on the highway in the middle of nowhere. The Church recently built them a beautiful meetinghouse, and while it only has 8 rooms in it and does not even contain a Chapel, it is gorgeous. When we drove in to bring a baptismal record to them for the baptism they were having that day, we saw a cute old lady picking dandelions in the grass. She waved so excited to see us because this branch has not had missionaries in a long time. She told us she was picking the dandelions for the baptism that day because they needed everything to be in perfect shape so they could all show the woman being baptized that they cared for her and wanted her to have the best day ever. In the brand new gorgeous building, people were inside cleaning, putting up flowers and making everything perfect even though no one could come to the baptism, they still wanted the new member to feel their support. They still baptize converts even without missionaries because they know how to minister and they have a Christlike love for each other.  It made me think, do we attend church because we love each other and love the Lord? Do we attend Sunday school and other meetings because we love the Lord and love to learn? Do we attend the temple because we love the Lord and love our ancestors? Do we minister because we love to lift each other? We all can have many motives for doing the things we are asked to do in the Church, but when everything gets taken away, do we still do them? Are our motives centered in Christ? This little branch knows their motives and they dedicate their service to the Lord and to each other. I love it. I'm thinking I might push to serve in Merritt even though there is only about 10 people there just because it is so precious

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