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quote icon That the conservative secular individual at least needs to respect the importance of God and religion in American history and to conservatism the truth is conservatism will not succeed if it remains godless for more than a two generations it's just not because God will punish you or any nonsense like that but because America is rooted in the notion that our rights come from God it's in a declaration of independence our rights don't come from government that's the whole revolution of the American Revolution rights don't come from people rights come from something higher than people if a conservative cannot accept that I understand that but it's a problem for conservatism meaning conserving the American value system which is I call the American Trinity, on every coin 'in God we trust' 'e pluribus unum' from many one and 'liberty' the belief was that God wants us free this is the greatness of the American Revolution God wants us free that that was remarkable and they got that idea from the Torah from the third book of the Bible Leviticus which is on the Liberty Bell

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