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quote icon Early in our 1996'99 mission experience, we learned of a group of Cambodian immigrants who lived in Longchamps near Buenos Aires, Argentina. One family was being taught the discussions by a companionship of our missionaries. As the missionaries came to the fourth discussion that included the law of the fast, they explained fasting in about the following way: 'Fasting constitutes a twenty-four-hour period in which we do not eat or drink anything, putting our bodies in submission to our spirits. We use the time to read the scriptures, pray, and engage in other uplifting activities, culminating in attending fast and testimony meeting, where we then give to the bishop of our ward the monetary equivalent of the food from which we have abstained, in order that he may distribute it among the poor and needy.' After this explanation, the missionaries suggested that because the following Sunday was the first Sunday of the month, the family might like to try fasting. The father agreed, and the missionaries left the home. The following Monday evening, the elders returned to give another discussion, at which time they asked for a report on the family's experience with fasting. The father rather apologetically explained that they had tried and would surely try again. He said, 'We began our fast in the afternoon with a prayer, followed by scripture reading and a discussion. We continued in this way until early the following morning. I regret to say that some of the younger children fell asleep during the night. We were very tired but showered in the morning and prepared to go to church, where our spirits were revived and filled with the beautiful testimonies that were given. Perhaps next time we'll do better and the children will be able to stay awake with us all night.' The missionaries were astounded. 'You mean you didn't go to sleep during this whole twenty-four-hour period'' 'No,' replied the father, 'you didn't mention sleeping.' As you might imagine, the members of this wonderful, humble family were soon baptized members of the Church. They brought several other families to hear the missionaries, and other conversions resulted. Whenever we think of this incident, it reminds us of how much there is to be learned about consecration from people who humbly seek to be obedient.

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