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quote icon Good Day Shaye, There's an old Buddhist story about forgiveness. A Buddhist teacher and student were sitting together. The Buddhist teacher asks, "Somebody throws a stone at you, and it hits you. Who are you angry with?" Student replies, "The person!" The teacher says, "Well, it's the stone that hit you, not the person..." Student replies, "I'm not angry with the stone because it had no intention; it's the person that threw the stone at me." Then the teacher says, "Well using that logic then, you shouldn't be mad at the person. You should be mad at their pain because the person is just like the stone, being helplessly thrown by their pain." With this story in mind, my first challenge to you is forgiveness. Forgiveness of the people who have hurt you in the past. This challenge isn't about condoning their actions, it’s about trying to understand the deeper meaning behind why they acted in the way they did. Most importantly, it’s to help you move on. The Challenge: 1. Write down anyone or situation you feel you need to let go. 2. Detail what they did and dissect what might have caused them to act in such a way. In other words, what pain might have been thrown them at you. 3. After coming to a place of understanding, write a letter forgiveness to them. 4. Burn the letter or send it to them. Good luck on today's challenge, I wish you the best! “Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” - Unknown Love, Prince Ea
⁠— Prince Ea

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