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quote icon Bill Maher: What do you think of Trump saying he'll go after entitlements if he's re-elected? Erik Erickson: Bulls**t. Bill Maher: Bulls**t that he says it? Erik Erickson: He's not going to do it. Nobody's going to do it. I mean this is what the president says... Bill Maher: But why say it then? Erik Erickson: Because he wanted more money from the Republicans in his budget for nuclear defense so they gave him more money by saying we'll deal with entitlements next time around. And next time around just like George W. Bush said he'll do it he won't actually do it. Alex Wagner: He's been pretty good about following up on all the big promises. I mean... They don't always get through, but like... Erik Erickson: There's no way. And even if the republicans... Paul Ryan wanted this forever, you had both houses of congress and a republican president, they wouldn't touch it. When we finally go bankrupt as a nation, they'll all deal with these issues and until then we're not going to.
⁠— Bill Maher

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