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quote icon “We pray for our enemies. This will soften our hearts, and perhaps theirs, and we may better seek good in them. And this prayer should not be confined to national enemies but should extend to neighbors, members of the family, and all with whom we have differences. This is also required of us by the Savior,.... “We pray for the Church leaders. If the children all their days in their turn at family prayers and in their secret prayers remember before the Lord the leaders of the Church, they are quite unlikely to ever fall into apostasy and into the class that Peter mentioned: ”...Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.” (2 Peter 2:10) The children who pray for the brethren will grow up loving them. Those who daily hear the leaders of the Church spoken of in prayer in deep affection will more likely believe the sermons and admonitions they will hear.”

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