The founders believed in a republic the Left believes in a democracy It's a big difference that Is the reason that we have two senators from every state? States with 30 million people have two senators and states with two million people have two senators Because it's the United States of America not just America. They did not trust The great majority they want they didn't because they knew people are not basically good So they didn't trust just let's go in the majority Nope That's why there's an electoral college And that's why the Left hates the electoral college and they're trying to get around it now not using the constant a constitutional amendment process Colorado just today passed the law that all the electoral votes of Colorado will go to whoever wins the national vote So in other words if Colorado goes for candidate a and the country goes for candidate be tough Coloradans We don't care It's not it's a republic or as franklin said it's a republic if you can keep it He knew what this is in an experiment America is an experiment Every generation has to reaffirm the experiment or it disappears That's my worry The left believes America is racist bigoted imperialistic
Conservatives believe America is the least racist country in the history of any multi-ethnic multiracial country