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quote icon The subtitle of the Book of Mormon is “Another Testament of Jesus Christ”. That’s because the central message of the book is that after his crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus visited his “other sheep” of the House of Israel who lived in the Americas. If true, this astounding claim not only testifies of the divinity of our Savior Jesus Christ, but it supports and verifies the Bible and its record of his ministry as well. (That’s known as a “two-fer”.) Of course, in 1829 this was a pretty crazy idea, but since that time many historical accounts and legends have been discovered of a “white and bearded god” who appeared in the Americas at about the time of Christ. These accounts come from all over the western hemisphere. They have often been corrupted over the centuries and details vary, but the preponderance of evidence indicates that someone very much like Jesus who had what we would today call “super-powers” did indeed visit this continent sometime around 34 AD.

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