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quote icon UNDERSHOOTING THE MARK WORLDLINESS DEADLY VICES Death, Sorrow, Misery Unrestrained Self-Gratification Destroy the Wicked Who Are Not religiously Inclined Self-Indulgence…Ruining yourself by giving into every destructive bodily appetite. ---- THE GOSPEL TARGET Law of Sacrifice CHRIST-LIKE PERFECTION Life, Joy, Happiness Calculated Self-Progression The Gospel Target is the "Law of Sacrifice" … Calculated Self-Progression or "Trading Up" ---- OVERSHOOTING THE MARK A Religious Vow of: Self-sacrifice DEADLY VICES Death, Sorrow, Misery Unrestrained Self-Desertion Destroy the Righteous Who Are Religiously Inclined Self-Sacrifice…Destructively giving away all things to others that you need to further your own life and progression.

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