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quote icon A few years ago, a sister in Canada was getting ready to help with a baptism in her ward. Her husband of 40 years informed her that he wouldn't be going this time, he was tired and wanted to stay home. He had supported her for years in her membership of the church but rejected the whole idea of a god that would send his son to suffer and die. She left and he settled into his easy chair, tired from the day's chores on the ranch. As it started to snow, he mentally checked the barn, the animals, etc. But he was suddenly brought to attention with a loud bang on the large front window. He ran to look, in time to see a large Canadian goose recovering from the collision. He noted that the snow had turned into a blizzard that blinded everything. As he watched, barely able to make out moving shadows through the snow, he could see that the flock had landed in his front yard and were huddling down for survival. But, without protection they would certainly die. He only hesitated for a moment as he donned his heavy snow clothes and entered the powerful wind and blinding snow. He first went to the barn and opened the door. Then he ran back and began to chase, and drive the geese into the barn. But, one by one they would leave the intended trajectory and destination to take their own path and direction. After a half-hour of meaningless running, he finally sat down midst the settling flock as discouraged as they would become, as the cold seeped into his bones. Suddenly, an idea came to him. He rose and went in search of one of his prized geese. Cradling it in his arms, he returned to the now freezing flock, and set the chosen and now suffering bird on the ground at the edge farthest from the barn. It knew the warmth and safety that awaited it and noisily but quickly wound its way through the huddling birds back to the security of the barn. Seeing and hearing one of their own, the flock lined up and followed this new leader into warmth, light, safety, and life. Patting himself on the back, this man happily settled back into the warmth of his fire and comfort of his chair. As he drifted into a much-deserved semi-conscious state, he was struck with a realization that unpredictably timed to correspond with the safe arrival home of his wife. She was stunned into a grateful but weeping silence as he exclaimed, 'Call the missionaries, I finally get it!! His precious son is the way, the truth, and the life! Driving us to heaven can never work!! We needed one willing to come, endure, and show the way! I finally understand enough to want to follow him! I testify that His plan is really THE plan that leads to everlasting happiness!

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