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quote icon By contrast, I met another young lady who went through a devastating break-up. Break-ups are hard. Afterward there is usually a grieving period almost like when someone passes away. There is grieving and healing and recovering and finding the resilience to risk becoming vulnerable again and to enter into another dating relationship. It is worth the risk! But within a week after the break-up, this young lady went out to a movie with another guy, and they had a “make-out session.” She admitted she needed a boost to her self-esteem. There was no emotional connection, she just needed to feel good about herself. And that few minutes of passionate kissing felt good. But it was counterfeit; it didn’t really mean anything without an emotional connection. She realized that and she did not date him again. She moved on to another guy. After three weeks, they announced on Facebook that they were a committed couple. Is three weeks enough to establish the kind of emotional connection that leads to commitment?

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