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quote icon But when it is okay with both individuals, it seems like there are four main reasons people kiss. FUN. Some people kiss for fun. It feels good. Generally, for men, it feels good because it quickly becomes physically stimulating. Unfortunately, too many men get involved in recreational kissing…kissing just because it is fun without recognizing that women are starting to get emotionally attached. EMOTIONS. For women, it often is tied to their sense that this relationship is beginning to have a healthy emotional connection. So they give their permission to kiss because it feels good in their heart, not just on their lips. SELF-ESTEEM. Some people kiss because it makes them feel good about themselves. Somebody likes them enough, accepts them enough, to kiss them. Often in this case, it might not matter so much who the other person is, just that someone accepts me now! FUTURE. And, finally, probably the best reason to kiss is this means something as a potential eternal companion. It is more than just fun, it is more than feeling good about myself, it is being committed to a future with someone I am connected to and kissing shows that.

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