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quote icon Ultimately, there are two things to consider when judging whether something is art or pornography: the way the art makes an individual feel and the intention of the artist. The first may be easier for a child to figure out than the second. While art is intended to create awe for the human body as a whole, pornography is created with the hope that the viewer’s attention will focus only on body parts (the parts normally covered by a swimsuit.) Art may have many purposes. Pornography only has one: to create or intensify sexual feelings. But children are not developmentally prepared for such feelings. They might describe porn’s effect on them as a strong desire to see more. Children might experience a disorienting, intense fascination they can’t get out of their mind. It’s important for parents to talk to children about their feelings and listen. An image that isn’t pornography for parents may still be pornography for a child.

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