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quote icon Calling and Election Made Sure Bruce R. McConkie “ If we die in the faith, that is the same thing as saying that our calling and election has been made sure and that we will go on to eternal reward hereafter. As far as faithful members of the church are concerned, they have charted a course leading to eternal life. This life is the time that is appointed as a probationary estate for men to prepare to meet God, and as far as faithful people are concerned, if they are in line of their duty, if they are doing what they ought to do, although they may not have been perfect in this sphere, their probation is ended. Now there will be some probation for some other people hereafter. But for the faithful Saints of God, now is the time and the day, and their probation is ended with their death, and they will not thereafter depart from the path. It is true as the Prophet Joseph Smith said, that there are many things that have to be done "even beyond the grave" to work out our salvation, but we'll stay in the course and we will not alter from it, if we have been true and faithful in this life. “ (T. 342-363; Bruce R. McConkie at S. Dilworth Young's funeral)

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