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quote icon Well, I can fathom the thought process. It's called greed. While we lambast the rich for their greed, there are many Americans who already pay little to no taxes, yet insist on paying less. Who is really greedy here? The man who wishes to keep a bit more of his own money, or the man who demands to receive a bit more of his neighbor's money? The first man is greedy if he hoards his wealth and makes no attempt to help the less fortunate. But he is not greedy for wanting to handle his charitable giving on his own, rather than surrendering enormous portions of his income to a wasteful and corrupt government. The second man is greedy from the start. It is not morally justified to feel entitled to another person's possessions. This is called covetousness, and it is a sin. It is among the many sins fostered and encouraged by politicians on the Left. This is where the "taking from the poor and giving to the rich" idea originates. We accuse the successful of "stealing" what is rightfully their own because we believe we are entitled to it. Many people in our culture have no respect for private property, no appreciation for the toil and discipline required to achieve financial success, and no understanding of the fact that every man — even a rich man — has a right and responsibility to care for his own family with the money he has earned before he can be expected to fund elaborate handout schemes. An American who has sipped deeply from the Leftist punchbowl will honestly believe that he is owed a rich man's money, he is owed it even more than the man's children are owed it, and to deprive them of it is to steal it from them. It's madness. Utter, complete madness.
⁠— Matt Walsh

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