The revelations received by the Prophet Joseph Smith made clear that the King James Version [of the Bible], great as it was, did not contain all that the ancient manuscripts had once contained. Many plain and precious things had been lost (see 1 Ne. 13). It was not so much a matter of translation of languages as it was a faulty transmission of the text. The King James Version is thus a remarkable vestige of an even more remarkable record of the gospel that was preached anciently. With the Restoration, another revision of the English Bible was in order, not by a scholar but by a prophet. And it would come not from an ancient manuscript but from direct revelation of the same Lord from whom the Bible had originated. It was to be done at the Lord’s commission rather than at the request of an earthly monarch or pope. This revision was to be an inspired version of the King James Bible, a divine restoration of ancient biblical knowledge. It is known today as the Inspired Version, or more properly, as the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. It should be seen in perspective as another step in the struggle to give mankind a Bible that not only can be read but also can be understood. The Prophet Joseph Smith made his translation during the years 1830 to 1844.