Well, now, Brother William [Smith], when the house of Israel begin to come into the glorious mysteries of the kingdom, and find that Jesus, whose goings forth, as the prophets said, have been from of old, from eternity; and that eternity, agreeable to the records found in the catacombs of Egypt [i.e., an unpublished portion of the ancient records from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Abraham], has been going on in this system (not this world), almost two thousand five hundred and fifty five millions of years: and to know at the same time, that deists, geologists and others are trying to prove that matter must have existed hundreds of thousands of years;—it almost tempts the flesh to fly to God, or muster faith like Enoch to be translated and see and know as we are seen and known!
[This number may be arrived at as follows: 7,000 years of the Lord’s time of 1,000 years per day, i.e. 2,555,000,000 = 1,000 x 365 x 7,000 … THAT IS … 2,555,000,000 = 7,000 years on Kolob = One Eternal Round].