Studying the resurrection makes some things stand out that are passed over when viewed casually. Some semi-important things are as follows:
• First and last resurrection. The scriptures speak repeatedly of the first resurrection and of the last resurrection, and of the just and the unjust, but the term “second” resurrection is not mentioned in scripture. (See D&C 76:15-17, 39, 50, 65; 76:85.)
• “Morning of the first resurrection.” This term has reference only to those who have a celestial resurrection, regardless of when they come up. This phrase does not appear in scripture. Joseph Smith used the term “in the morning of the resurrection.” It is commonly used in patriarchal blessings. The term “morning of the first resurrection” might possibly have developed from D&C 43:18. (See also D&C 45:17.)
• All of the righteous will be resurrected before any of the wicked.
• As of now, only celestial resurrections have occurred on this earth.