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quote icon The Millennial Reign of Christ. In the wisdom of God the Father, the last approximate one thousand years of earth-life existence will witness the culmination of his work among all of mankind. According with the utterances of the prophets, as revealed to them from God, we come to understand that under an actual governmental millennial reign of the Christ, much work will be accomplished to prepare all men for their assignments and placement in that particular sphere of eternal existence subsequent to mortality and resurrection of the mortal body. In this sense the characteristic of rest will not apply, only as it pertains to a rest from painful toil and strife, for the work that is to be done will be zestful and glorious, and carried out under conditions that are ideal. One cannot realistically fashion from the sacred writings that the millennium will be a time of blissful, unpurposeful drifting, without care or obligation. This has no part in the foreordained plan for this great period of adjustment, judgment, and preparation.

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