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quote icon At the beginning of the Millennium, the earth and all things upon it will be quickened, made alive, and transfigured—lifted to a higher plane for a season. The earth will be transformed from a telestial to a terrestrial glory, to that paradisiacal condition that prevailed in Eden before the Fall. (Pearl of Great Price, A of F 1:10.) There will indeed be a new heaven and a new earth. (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1.) Further, as Orson Pratt, an early apostle, explained, “All the inhabitants who are spared from this fire [the fire accompanying the glory of Christ at his coming]—those who are not proud, and who do not do wickedly, will be cleansed more fully and filled with the glory of God. A partial change will be wrought upon them, not a change to immortality [which would come after their death and resurrection], . . . but so great will be the change then wrought that the children who are born into the world will grow up without sin unto salvation. Why will this be so? Because that fallen nature, introduced by the fall, and transferred from parents to children, from generation to generation, will be, in a measure, eradicated by this change.”

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