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quote icon In the scriptures, the city of Zion and the stakes of Zion are described in terms that should give the Saints some consolation. The New Jerusalem, for example, will be “a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God” (D&C 45:66) ... Such conditions—peace, safety, refuge, defense—clearly will attract others who are not members of the Church ... In such conditions, thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of people will join with the Saints in an attempt to escape the horrible things going on around them. The modern prophets have also talked about such possibilities. In 1856, President Heber C. Kimball, speaking of the handcart companies, asked: “Is this the end of it? No; there will be millions on millions that will come much in the same way, only they will not have hand carts, for they will take their bundles under their arms, and their children on their backs, and under their arms, and flee; and Zion's people will have to send out relief to them, for they will come when the judgments come on the nations.” About a year later, he returned to that same theme and said: “It behooves us to be saving and to prepare for the time to come. The day will come when the people of the United States will come lugging their bundles under their arms, coming to us for bread to eat.”

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