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quote icon When a group of Latter-day Saints were asked what one question they would most like to ask of the Savior about his second coming, three questions came up again and again. Not surprisingly, “When will it be?” was the most-asked question. The second took various forms but had essentially the same intent: “What is life going to be like before he comes and then when he comes?” The third most-asked question was “How do I prepare myself so I will be ready?” Although the answers to the first two questions are of great interest, the answer to the third question is probably of greatest immediate importance ... Whether the Lord’s return will be great or dreadful for us will depend largely on whether or not we are prepared. The Lord has specifically commanded us, “Prepare yourselves for the great day of the Lord” (D&C 133:10). And in another revelation he gave this wonderful promise: “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear” (D&C 38:30). That promise may apply in many situations, but it certainly has particular relevance when we talk about the Second Coming.

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