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quote icon The building up of Zion—that is our work! All that we do in this life should be judged by this grand standard does it further the cause of Zion? What does it profit a man if he gain the wealth of the world, the power of kingdoms, the dominion of Caesars, unless what he does furthers the interests of Zion? Those interests are both temporal and spiritual and are concerned, solely and exclusively, with the salvation of the souls men. How do we go about building up Zion and strengthening her cause in all the earth? Between now and the Second Coming, our course is one of building up the Church and strengthening its influence among men. As the Mosaic law was a schoolmaster preparing Israel for the higher law of the gospel, so this pre-Millennial period is one in which the saints prepare for that Millennial glory reserved for those who abide the day of His coming.

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