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quote icon The Center of Pre-existent Controversy—Led by Lucifer, or Satan, one of the intellectually brilliant spirit sons of God the Father, a controversy developed in the pre-existent councils over whether the natural and eternal law of agency should be permitted to function during the earth-life existence of man, or whether, as proposed by Lucifer, the redemption of mankind would be undertaken by means of external compulsion so that not one soul would be affected by obedience or by disobedience to law. The nature of this proposal by which Lucifer sought to elevate himself to power, would make of man a thing to be acted upon with a complete loss of freedom of choice. Concerning this, the Prophet Joseph Smith stated that the contention in the pre-mortal existence was due to the fact that there would be certain souls that would not be saved, whereas the devil, or Lucifer, said he could save them all. This proposal, involving the surrendering of the law of agency, was rejected and the plan advocated by the Firstborn Spirit Son of God, that the law of agency would continue in mortality, was accepted.

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