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quote icon Evidence in modern scripture indicates that spirits were unequal at the time of spirit birth and afterward, although each organized spirit as the offspring of deity had the potential of becoming like God. The assumption that spirits were unequal at the time of spirit birth is deduced, essentially, from two major points of evidence, the first of which is that the central primal intelligence of man was independent in the sphere of action before it was organized in union with other elements of spirit to become a spirit personage. Such a state of independence implies that there was a variation of development prior to the time of spirit birth. To be independent in a given sphere is to have agency; and where agency exists, variety develops, resulting in differences and gradations of being … The second point of evidence is found in a statement the Lord made to Abraham. “These two facts do exist,” Jehovah the pre-earth Christ explained, “that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other, there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am more intelligent than they all.” This gradation extended back to a time without beginning.

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