Our earliest indication of the conflict is recorded in the scriptures as the War in Heaven, meaning a war that was waged among the spirit children of God in the premortal life. It began, so far as we know, with the rebellion of Lucifer against God over a difference about how God’s spirit children, of whom Lucifer was one, could become like God (see Moses 4:1-4; Abr. 3:23-28; D&C 76:25-26). We do not know how long the war lasted, but we do know something of the contending armies and the issues. Each side had a major advocate and many followers … The war was severe, and it had eternal consequences. Every kind of sin (with the possible exception of sins involving death) was present in that premortal state, and there were many casualties. Repentance was in order for all who sinned, and forgiveness in that premortal life was available through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to the plan of salvation (see D&C 93:38). This was not a war just of words and debate and forensics. It was a war of misdeeds, lies, hatred, pride, jealousy, remorse, envy, cursing, blasphemy, deception, theft, cajoling, slander, anger, and sins of almost every kind that are also known in mortality. The issues were so well defined that coexistence was not possible. Those who wholeheartedly supported Lucifer’s rebellion became like him; and after having sinned beyond the possibility of reclamation, they were cast out of heaven and placed (as spirits) upon the earth, never to have the opportunity to be born with a body of flesh and bone.