1. The Saints are not anarchists. As long as there is a Constitutional path for a redress of our grievances (i.e., violations of the rights and privileges of the citizenry), then, we LDS are to “importune for redress.”
2. Again, the Constitution was established by Jesus Christ for the purpose of maintaining the rights and privileges of all mankind and not just we Americans.
3. These rights and privileges are in accordance with just and holy principles—for eternal principles are eternal principles be they religious or political.
4. Constitutional protection of rights and privileges is essential to preserve not only our liberty but our moral agency. In short, there can be no individual accountability without individual liberty.
5. Slavery—human bondage—robs mankind of liberty as well as moral agency and, “Therefore, it is not right that any man should be in bondage one to another.”
6. Jesus Christ established the Constitution of this land and it was established for at least the following four purposes:
To maintain the rights and privileges of all mankind;
To protect individual liberty of action;
To preserve moral agency and accountability;
To eventually eliminate human bondage worldwide.
7. The Constitution was established by the hands of wise men (Founding Fathers), whom Jesus Christ raised up for all the purposes listed above.
8. Freedom came at a high cost as America, the land of Liberty, was redeemed by the shedding of blood. The blood of our American Patriots, therefore, is sacred blood and should be revered as such.