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quote icon 1. It is ONLY that part of the law of the land which is constitutional which is justifiable in the eyes of the Lord. 2. The constitutional parts of the law are ONLY those parts which support the principle of freedom by maintaining our rights and privileges. 3. The constitution is not just an American document but is a freedom document that belongs to ALL mankind. 4. Members of the Church are ONLY justified in befriending those parts of the law which are TRULY constitutional (see #2). 5. Any extra-constitutional laws or willful refusal to uphold the existing constitutional law of the land, (i.e., whatsoever is more or less than this), cometh of evil. 6. Just as the Lord God makes you free, so, likewise, does the constitutional law of the land make you free, tying both God and the Constitution together. 7. When the wicked rule the people mourn becauseof their oath breaking, extra-constitutional and, therefore, despotic or tyrannical acts. 8. The principle of freedom (our rights and privileges) depends, therefore, on our seeking out, electing, and upholding honest, wise and good men, as any- thing less than this, also, cometh of evil.

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