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quote icon Before we get on a bus, we should ask the bus driver a few questions...When we get on the "gospel" bus, we are both passenger and driver. The bus itself is what carries us to our ultimate goal, powered by the most efficient and perfect engine in the universe — the Atonement. But we decide where we are going to go, how fast we get there, and how firmly we put the "pedal to the metal". We all take detours, and it can be a bumpy ride. But this is a "smart bus" with a Gospel Positioning System that invariably points us back to our destination. Our refueling stations are beautiful, and our bus doesn't go very far if we don’t visit them and refuel often enough. And if we can see clearly, we will notice the cheering crowds on either side of our road, smiling and waving as we head toward the Eternal City. And the best thing is that we can invite others along for the ride!

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