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Quotempole is a collaborative platform for gathering, organizing, commenting, and sharing quotes.
Quotes offer a simple yet powerful way of communicating meaning from others that have gone before us. The ability to share intelligence through language is one of the most beautiful human traits.
There is great value in brevity. A good quote is a short, meaningful, authoritative statement with emotional appeal.
Short:  Short is memorable, long is complicated.
Meaningful:  There is a huge difference between information and intelligence. Meaningful intelligence offers valuable personal insights that increase our power to act.
Authoritative:  A quote should be trusted to accurately repeat the words of the author. A credible quote should be substantiated by a reference to the source.
Emotional Appeal:  Our emotions tells us what we value. The things we value are the things that motivate us to act.
Quotempole has many ways to share your intelligence:
Chrome ExtensionCapture quotes on the Add Quote page or install the Quotempole Chrome extension to capture quotes as you read articles in your Chrome Browser.
YouTubeReference quotable parts of any YouTube video.
quotelistOrganize quotes into topical Quotelists and share them.
commentShare your opinion with Quotempole's commenting, sentiment, and rating features.