Teach the people truth, teach them correct principle; show them what is for their greatest good and don't you think they will follow in that truth?
We want every branch of science taught in this place that is taught in the world. But our favorite study is that branch which particularly belongs to the Elders of Israel—namely, theology. Every Elder should become a profound theologian—should understand this branch better than all the world.
Instead of pleading with the Lord to bestow more upon you, plead with yourselves to have confidence in yourselves, to have integrity in yourselves, and to know when to speak and what to speak, what to reveal, and how to carry yourselves and walk before the Lord. And just as fast as you prove to him that you will preserve everything secret that ought to be - that you will deal out to your neighbors all which you ought, and no more, and learn how to dispense your knowledge to your families, friends, neighbors, and brethren, the Lord will bestow upon you, until finally he will say to you, "You shall never fall; your salvation is sealed unto you; you are sealed up unto eternal life and salvation through your integrity.
Reviewing what you have learned and learning anew, you are fit to be a teacher.
When I have presented one corner of a subject to any one, and he cannot from it learn the other three, I do not repeat my lesson.
One of the most significant ways you can improve learning and teaching is to take the time to orient new teachers, preferably before they give their first lessons.
Children are more influenced by sermons you act than by sermons you preach.
Parental teaching is like being an on-call physician. We always need to be ready to teach our children because we never know when the opportunity will present itself.
The people of the Book of Mormon lived on the other side of the globe—their histories, cultures, and political climates were vastly different from the people Jesus taught during His mortal ministry. And yet He taught them many of the same things He taught in the Holy Land. Why would He do that? The Savior always teaches timeless truths. They apply to people of every age and in any circumstance.
The greatest torment the Prophet Joseph endured "and the greatest mental suffering was because this people would not live up to their privileges.... He said sometimes that he felt...as though he were pent up in an acorn shell, and all because the people...would not prepare themselves to receive the rich treasures of wisdom and knowledge that he had to impart. he could have revealed a great many things to us if we had been ready; but he said there were many things that we could not receive because we lacked that diligence...necessary to entitle us to those choice things of the kingdom."
What do I consider a teacher should be? One who breathes life into knowledge so that it takes new form in progress and civilization.
The need to open eyes and hearts tells us how we must teach doctrine.
It took some time to make them understand that a good teacher does such work as to enable his students to pass, with ordinary diligence.
A father would do well, as his son grows up, and is capable of it, to talk familiarly with him; nay, ask his advice, and consult with him about those things wherein he has any knowledge or understanding. By this, the father will gain two things, both of great moment. The sooner you treat him as a man, the sooner he will begin to be one; and if you admit him into serious discourses sometimes with you, you will insensibly raise his mind above the usual amusements of youth, and those trifling occupations which it is commonly wasted in.
You shall find, that there cannot be a greater spur to the attaining what you would have the eldest learn, and know himself, than to set him upon teaching it his younger brothers and sisters.
It is an honor to save yourselves---all are responsible to save themselves.
...that they were depending on the prophet hence were darkened in their minds from neglect of themselves...
Don’t confuse uninspired teaching with a subject being boring.
All leaders are teachers.
Fortunately, the Lord provided this timely and timeless counsel to you teachers: "And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith." This is especially applicable today because not all of your students have the faith necessary to face the challenges ahead and because many of them are already exposed through the Internet to corrosive forces of an increasingly secular world that is hostile to faith, family, and gospel standards. The Internet is expanding its reach across the world into almost every home and into the very hands and minds of your students.
I promise you that as you prepare yourselves, as President Nelson did, you too will be different, thinking more about the Savior, speaking of Him more frequently and with less hesitation. As you come to know and love Him even more deeply, your words will flow more comfortably, as they do when you speak of one of your children or of a dear friend. Those listening to you will feel less like debating or dismissing you and more like learning from you.
[E]verybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching.
You teach best what you most need to learn.
Knowing more enable us to do more and to do better.
Stake presidents, bishops, and branch presidents, please take a particular interest in improving the quality of teaching in the Church. I fear that all too often many of our members come to church, sit through a class or meeting, and they return home having been largely uninformed.
[Home teachers and visiting teachers] when you go into the homes, there should be no vain babblings or swelling words. You are going to save souls, and who can tell but that many of the fine active people in the Church today are active because you were in their homes and gave them a new outlook, a new vision. You pulled back the curtain. You extended their horizons. You gave them something new.”
We have paused on some plateaus long enough...We have been diverted, at times, from fundamentals on which we must now focus in order to move forward as a person or as a people...
He is an effective leader because he has this ability to develop and cultivate the best in others.
Inspired teaching certainly includes discussion, but it does not, nor should it, exclude powerful discourse and instruction.
If we are poor learners, our teaching will be ineffective.
God is the greatest of all teachers and understands the value of repetition. If an idea is true, we will find that concept repeated again and again throughout the scriptures. Instructions are not confined to any one generation, but are given repeatedly, often in other words so we will not miss their true meaning.
You can’t for the “how to”.