Politically Incorrect: a truth that people on the left find too painful to acknowledge and therefore do not want expressed.
This week, in what may be one of the most misjudged moments in the history of television, CNN anchor Don Lemon and his two guests, Rick Wilson and Wajahat Ali, laughed themselves silly over the stupidity of what Wilson called (in a mock southern accent), the “credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump that wants to think that Donald Trump is the smart one and y’all elitists are dumb.”
“After the rally, a person on the BLM and Antifa side went up to him said a few nasty words then shot him in the head. He was murdered because he backed the police.”
I frequently play the recording of Obama’s statement on my radio show not only to explain a basic difference between Right and Left — the Left believes that America needs to be fundamentally transformed, while the Right thinks that America needs to be incrementally improved — but also for people to hear the crowd’s reaction.
I told them they think that way because they live in such a decent country. It is easy to remain naïve in America, where most are insulated from the suffering inflicted on so much of humanity in deeply corrupt, poverty-stricken, and war-torn societies. Nevertheless, given the way humans have treated one another throughout history, and only two generations after Auschwitz, only the naïve can believe that people are basically good. And since no Western religion (i.e., any religion based on the Bible) has ever posited that people are basically good, this naïveté is abetted by secularism, which allows for the pursuit of knowledge but destroys wisdom.
Boredom, at least in our time, is the most overlooked source of evil. In the past, before people went to college and abandoned religion — the two greatest reasons there is so much moral idiocy in our time — people knew how dangerous boredom was. “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” was a common aphorism that wouldn’t even make sense to most young people today. By bored, I am not referring to a lack of things to do. There is more opportunity to do and experience things today than ever before. By bored, I mean a deep boredom of the soul, what the French call “ennui.” This is the boredom that emanates from lack of purpose and a yearning for excitement.
The combination of affluence and secularism produces boredom as surely as the combination of hydrogen and oxygen produces water. Without affluence, people have a built-in purpose: obtaining food and shelter, supporting oneself and one’s family, etc. And religion, with or without affluence, likewise has always provided people with meaning. Without religion, therefore, purpose is often lost. Add to that the number of people who are not married and do not have children (also a result of the combination of affluence and secularism) and you remove another universal source of meaning.
I hate big governments,” Prager continued. “And the left loves them, because they love power. I don’t want power over anyone. That disqualifies me from being a leftist. I have no desire to control you. I am so not a candidate for the left. I want to leave you alone and you to leave me alone.
I was in the audience for those 2004 remarks, in which Elder Maxwell expressed his appreciation for scholars at BYU who defended the claims, scriptures, and teachings of the Restoration against attack. (As far as I recall, he didn’t refer in any way to homosexuality or homosexuals.) The illustration that he used clearly drew upon an account given in Nehemiah 4 (especially verses 16-18). In it, the Jews who have returned from the Babylonian captivity to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple are obliged, because of threats and attacks from their neighbors, to work with one hand while holding a sword in the other—a defensive measure, not an aggressive one, that plainly has nothing to do with homosexuality.
But, he also said, “we have to be careful that love and empathy do not get interpreted as condoning and advocacy, or that orthodoxy and loyalty to principle not be interpreted as unkindness or disloyalty to people. As near as I can tell, Christ never once withheld His love from anyone, but He also never once said to anyone, “Because I love you, you are exempt from keeping my commandments.” We are tasked with trying to strike that same sensitive, demanding balance in our lives.”
Leftism, progressivism, socialism, call it what you will, is grounded in the notion that God does not exist. As German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche put it, “God is dead.” I have written about what transpires when God is removed from the equation — government often fills a deity’s void, which explains why, generally, the more secular a person is, the more likely they are to be on the Left.
The Left believes in big government the right believes in small government. This is a big deal Because the bigger the government the smaller the Smit is the citizen the bigger the government the more the corruption Because power corrupts. That's why why do you want to give people so much power? Do you understand? If you really care about goodness, you want smaller government? You know what the American ideal is. I Take care of me. I take care of my family and I take care of my community The left-wing ideal is the government takes care of me. The government takes care of my family the government takes care of my community Why is that a more noble ideal? Which will produce kinder human beings that's why conservatives per capita per income gives so much more charity than liberals Because the moral left you get like in Europe Europeans give almost no charity because they were raised with big government Why should I help my neighbor? The government will You think that's Noble you on the left you think that's a noble idea I don't have to do a damn thing for my neighbor because the government will That's what we are breathing in the United States. Why bother? Why bother marrying the government will take care of me if I have children, why bother marrying?
They understood why they can do it and that brings me to the next difference are People basically good the left thinks people are basically good the right lives on earth.
Jews after Auschwitz believe people are basically good. How do you are you out of your minds? And The answer is no we're leftists Because that's what the left teaches you Being they have to teach you people or basically or basically good because then they can blame racism and poverty on crime You get it. There's a very important belief on the left that people are basically good Why would a good person rape why would a good person murder? Why would a good person? Hold up a bank Because clearly if you're good, you wouldn't do those things. So they blame outside forces that's why this issue of are we basically good as so significant because the upshot of the belief is so Significant if you believe people are basically good you blame society for people's evil If you believe people are not basically good you blame them for their evil There's a very big difference It's it's it's not them it's poverty it's not them it's racism. It's not them it's guns Then amazing thing to blame guns no, no think about it. You know how bizarre that is blame guns Guns in good people's hands don't do bad guns in bad people's hands do bad. Why? Is that what? Five-year-olds understand that and I not a five-year-old fan. I don't think we have a lot to learn from five-year-olds
That's what you have to understand you have to Violate the laws of common sense to take on a leftist idea. People are basically good. This is amazing They believe people are basically good but every white person in America is a racist That's pretty amazing all these good people became racists over isn't that over the period of time it's just astonishing
Because it's not coherently thought through no left-wing position is coherently thought through left-wing positions are felt That's why feelings are such a big deal. So here's a big one to The left is big on feelings the right doesn't give a damn how you feel We give a damn how you act
Because of how you t treat your mother, I don't judge you by your thoughts. I judge you by your deeds This this is everything everything that is why the the the left wing question is Does it feel good the conservative question is does it do good? They are often not related Raising the minimum wage to $15 in Seattle felt good, but it didn't do good it bucks a lot of young people out of work and they need work to start climbing the ladder of responsibility in life it put a lot of It put a lot of restaurants out of business, but it feels good It caused a lot of fast-food chains to simply automate you now order from an iPad Why will they have why well, that's a lot cheaper than 15 bucks an hour an iPad Does it do good is not a left-wing question. Does it make me feel good about me
Half of half of the boards of directors must of publicly held companies must be female. That's equality, but it's not Liberty. I am not free to choose whom I want on my own board.
You're allowed to deny the Holocaust in the United States, you're not allowed to deny the Holocaust in Europe There's a lot more free speech in the United States, but we're becoming because the left loves Europe more like Europe Hey, they ban hate speech will do it too and what's hate speech? Whatever we don't agree with That's all it means. That is all it means
Liberty is a big value. We have the Liberty Bell. Not the Equality Bell
They understood something the bigger the government the less the Liberty. That's why you need a big God Secular conservatives are terrific but they don't understand the importance of the American Trinity which is on every coin in God, we trust' applaud bassoon demand Liberty. You won't have Liberty if God disappears Because people have to feel that they are accountable to something higher than themselves in order to do good and it's going to either be a government or a god
We think you're wrong. You think we're evil! It's a big difference you Have to think we're evil because you don't argue with us So we must be dismissed as evil there. Why do they call us racist bigoted homophobic xenophobic and so on because they don't have arguments.
The founders believed in a republic the Left believes in a democracy It's a big difference that Is the reason that we have two senators from every state? States with 30 million people have two senators and states with two million people have two senators Because it's the United States of America not just America. They did not trust The great majority they want they didn't because they knew people are not basically good So they didn't trust just let's go in the majority Nope That's why there's an electoral college And that's why the Left hates the electoral college and they're trying to get around it now not using the constant a constitutional amendment process Colorado just today passed the law that all the electoral votes of Colorado will go to whoever wins the national vote So in other words if Colorado goes for candidate a and the country goes for candidate be tough Coloradans We don't care It's not it's a republic or as franklin said it's a republic if you can keep it He knew what this is in an experiment America is an experiment Every generation has to reaffirm the experiment or it disappears That's my worry The left believes America is racist bigoted imperialistic Conservatives believe America is the least racist country in the history of any multi-ethnic multiracial country
This is essential to the left The Left believes that it is a bad Society President Obama did Racism is in our DNA he said and And and President Trump is accused of dividing the country Racism is in our DNA Said the black president of the United States Does there some disconnect here a racist country elected a black president and Didn't give a damn The only thing I cared about him was the color blue Because that's democrat. Not the color black. I This notion that conservatives are racist is one of the great Gargantuan big lies of history. I have asked conservatives when the thousand conservatives would be in an audience I asked them which they would prefer. Okay. It's a good example So I said don't cheer yet or don't vote yet. I would tell them what would you prefer? nine white male Christian liberals or nine black female lesbian conservatives Now why are you laughing Because it's obvious who weekly don't give a damn. None of the rest matters. Only your values matter. The rest is nothing We care about your values we don't care about your race
But what he said is plenty depressing. We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America Let me explain something the left wants to fundamentally transform the United States of America and Barack Obama was a leftist not just a liberal That's the given that's that's a code for being a leftist if you think America needs to be fundamentally transformed You can't have it both ways you can't say I love America and I want it fundamentally Transformed you don't want to fundamentally transform that which you love if any spouse ever said, you know, I Love my wife, but I would like to fundamentally transform her We would have a right to be skeptical if you really love her items, I'm sure a fundamental transformation is a good idea Likewise a wife about a husband hell I love him but I like him fundamentally transform It doesn't work. They don't know what they say because they say what feels right at any given moment
In the final analysis, I have come to this equation Secularism plus affluence plus boredom equals leftism.
Here's a rule. My friends. Happy blacks vote Republican. Happy women vote Republican. Happy Jews vote Republican happy. Happy Salamanders vote Republican. Unhappiness is The secret to Democratic success if we can convince you life is miserable
While my only agenda of that hour and my book is to make people happier or enable them to be happier. I Realized after a number of years while it's not my agenda. It is a it is a factor. I'm making more Republicans. I Never thought of it that way, but as people get happier, they switch parties, they no longer see themselves as ruined by American life it's a very very important aspect of current American life and I'm coming near the end the list.
What's the difference between a liberal and a leftist? This question stumps most people because they think liberal and left are essentially the same. But they're not. In fact, liberalism and leftism have almost nothing in common. But the left has appropriated the word 'liberal' so effectively almost everyone-liberals, leftists and conservatives-thinks they are synonymous. But they're not. Let me offer you six examples: 1. Race: This is probably the most obvious difference between liberal and left. The liberal position on race has always been a) the color of a person's skin is insignificant and b) those who believe race is significant are racists. Meanwhile, the left believes the very opposite. To the left, it's the liberal attitude toward race-it's unimportant-that is racist. That's why the University of California officially lists the statement, 'There is only one race, the human race' as racist. And liberals have always been passionately committed to racial integration, while the left is increasingly committed to racial segregation-such as all-black dormitories and separate black graduations at universities. 2. Capitalism: Liberals have always been pro-capitalism, because liberals are committed to free enterprise and because they know capitalism is the only way to lift great numbers of people out of poverty. It is true that liberals want government to play a bigger role in the economy than conservatives do, but liberals never opposed capitalism, and they were never for socialism. Opposition to capitalism and advocacy of socialism are left-wing values. 3. Nationalism: Liberals believe in the nation-state, whether that nation is the United States, Brazil, or France. But because the left divides the world by class rather than by national identity, the left has always opposed nationalism. So, while liberals have always wanted to protect American sovereignty and borders, the left is for open borders. When the writers of Superman were liberals, Superman was a proud American whose very motto was 'Truth, justice, and the American way.' But that all changed a few years ago, when left-wing writers took over the comic strip and had Superman renounce his American citizenship to be a citizen of the world. The left has contempt for nationalism, seeing it as the road to fascism. Better that we should all be 'citizens of the world' in a world without borders.
4. View of America: Liberals have always venerated America. Watch American films from the 1930s through the 1950s and you will be watching overtly patriotic, America-celebrating films-virtually all produced, directed and acted by liberals. Liberals were quite aware of America's imperfections, but they agreed with Abraham Lincoln that America is 'the last, best hope of earth.' The left, however, believes the left is the last, best hope of earth and regards America as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, violent, and imperialistic. 5. Free speech: No one has been more committed than American liberals to the famous statement, 'I wholly disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' But the left is leading the first widespread suppression of free speech in modern American history-from the universities to the tech companies that govern the internet to almost every other institution and place of work. Of course, the left claims to only oppose 'hate speech.' But putting aside the fact that the left deems 'hate speech' anything it differs with, protecting what you or I might consider hate speech is the entire point of free speech. 6. Western civilization: Liberals have always championed and sought to protect Western civilization. Liberals celebrate the West's unique moral, philosophical, artistic, musical and literary achievements, and have taught them at virtually every university. The most revered liberal in American political history, President Franklin Roosevelt, often cited the need to protect Western civilization and even 'Christian civilization.' Yet, when President Donald Trump spoke of the need to protect Western civilization in a speech in Warsaw, the left-wing media, also known as the mainstream media, denounced him. They argued that Western civilization is no better than any other and that 'Western civilization' is just a euphemism for 'white supremacy.' So, then, if liberalism and leftism are so different, why don't liberals oppose the left? In a nutshell, because they have been taught all their lives to fear the right. But as one of the best-known liberals in America, Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz, said, 'As a liberal, as an American, and as a Jew, I far more fear the left than the right.' Dear liberals: Conservatives are not your enemy. The left is.