Where we have strong emotions we're liable to fool ourselves.
We shouldn’t try to force spiritual things. If we try to, we may rely on emotions that mimic spiritual promptings but are not. These emotions may include sentimentality, awe, empathy, excitement—or raging hormones.
As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
Reasoning requires you to understand the difference between true and false. And reasoning requires coherence and logic. Most of you have been taught to embrace incoherence and illogic. You have learned to associate truth with your subjective feelings, which are neither true nor false but only yours, and which are constantly changeful.
...You should not bother to tell us how you feel about a topic. Tell us what you think about it. If you can’t think yet, that’s O.K.. Tell us what Aristotle thinks, or Hammurabi thinks, or H.L.A. Hart thinks. Borrow opinions from those whose opinions are worth considering.
Your subconscious is like a computer and its main function is the integration of your ideas. Who programs it? Your conscious mind. If you default, if you don't reach any firm convictions, your subconscious is programmed by chance - and you deliver yourself into the power of ideas you do not know you have accepted. But one way or the other, your computer gives you print-outs, daily and hourly, in the form of emotions - which are lightning-like estimates of the things around you, calculated according to your values. If you programmed your computer by conscious thinking, you know the nature of your values and emotions. If you didn't, you don’t.
You have probably heard the computer operator's eloquent term…"garbage in, garbage out." The same formula applies to the relationship between a man's thinking and his emotions.
Emotions are not tools of cognition.
When men abandon reason, they find not only that their emotions cannot guide them, but that they can experience no emotions save one: terror.
The fundamental, basic behaviors that invite peace into the heart and into the home are prayer and spending some time in the words of the prophets and the words of the Lord in the scriptures. Spend some time reflecting upon those things, and then look for ways to have fun with your family. Enjoy life. That kind of balance of spiritual, mental, and emotional health through all the busyness of life creates a level of peace and calm and a foundation that everyone can stand on, even in the challenging moments.
The superior man is satisfied and composed; the mean man is always full of distress.
Emotions are like a rollercoaster. Once you’re on board, riding your rage, it’s hard to get off. It’s a whole lot easier if you can find a way to avoid getting on in the first place.
Healing really only begins when we face the hurt in its full force and then grow through it with all the strength of our soul.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Let me offer a word of caution. … I think if we are not careful … , we may begin to try to counterfeit the true influence of the Spirit of the Lord by unworthy and manipulative means. I get concerned when it appears that strong emotion or free-flowing tears are equated with the presence of the Spirit. Certainly the Spirit of the Lord can bring strong emotional feelings, including tears, but that outward manifestation ought not to be confused with the presence of the Spirit itself.
I have learned that there is a time and place for all emotions, but that as humans we must learn when to express them or control them as part of facing the consequences of how we use our agency.
Our emotions are our motivators. When we feel sympathy, we may wish to help the afflicted. That is not learning truth at all, it is feeling motivated...In attempting to discover truth, it is essential not to let the emotions be a factor. Wanting something to be true does not make it true, but only clouds your perception of reality.
The more you amplify your adjectives, the more you erode even the possibility of coming to common views with others.
A primary reason many of us stay in silence rather than connecting honestly is that we misunderstand our responsibility for others’ emotions. We are responsible to care about how others feel, but we are not responsible for how they feel. Their emotions are their choices. How we act can affect them—and we should always act with compassion and respect. But that is where our duty stops. When you take responsibility for others’ feelings, you begin to live dishonestly. You begin to calculate and manipulate in order to control others’ feelings. And by so doing, you surrender the possibility of both solving problems and connecting deeply.
.. recommend to the Society, to put a double watch over the tongue...hold your tongues about things of no moment---a little tale will set the world on fire.... I do not want to cloak iniquity--all things contrary to the will of God, should be cast from us, but don't do more hurt than good with your tongues--be pure in heart--Jesus designs to save the people out of their sins.
...little evils do the most injury to the church. if you have evil feelings and speak of them to one another, it has a tendency to do mischief--these things result in those evils which are calculated to cut the throats of the heads of the church.
Being honest has nothing to do with being angry, hurtful, mean, or “letting off steam.” Showing those emotions has nothing to do with honesty, but for some reason, we equate them with each other. Being more honest is about being more clear, more specific, more sincere, and more authentic.
School thy feelings, O my brother; Train thy warm, impulsive soul. Do not its emotions smother, But let wisdom’s voice control. School thy feelings; there is power In the cool, collected mind. Passion shatters reason’s tower, Makes the clearest vision blind.
No matter what his emotions, a sane man retains the power to face facts. If an emotion is overwhelming, he retains the power to recognize this and to defer cognition until he can establish a calmer mood.
When you want so hard to believe something, you end up listening to your heart and not your head.
Don’t allow emotions to take over; rather, reason together.
Refuse to get embroiled in the same old patterns of argument and confrontation.
Feelings are powerful. According to research, 95% of our decisions are based on subconscious factors - like how we feel. Not logic. Not what you "know" is right. We make decisions based on what we feel in the moment.
Anger is a powerful emotion. What Trump represents is real. Concern about Hillary's ability to fix a system she's been inside of her whole career is real.
Don't talk to the people who agree. Stir emotion in those who don't.
If you did everything your mind told you to do, you do some really strange stuff. You'll probably be in jail, you'll be in trouble. But, it's all about control. We all have to control our feelings. That's the thing that separates us from animals.
We ought to build a climate around us in which we are, in all situations, open to the comments of others. We should not make it too expensive emotionally for others to try to communicate with us. If it is too hard to do so, people will just pull back. If we are too well protected and too well defended, they are not going to extend themselves overmuch in an effort to communicate with us. It is difficult to say which is most dangerous—the mote in one's eye or the moat around his "castle" that keeps out the needed communications, involving correction, counsel, or commendation.
Perhaps our difficulties with receiving justified reproof stem from our thinking of love as being all sweetness. Love surely includes sweetness. But love must sometimes be tough love, sinew as well as sweetness. So it is with loving communication also.
Learning the power of calmness was one of the greatest lessons I learned. From the beginning of time, the forces of evil have tried to get the forces of good to lose control of their emotions. If we lose emotional control, then we are easily manipulated by the evil force. The evil forces would have us selfishly destroy all our most precious relationships by losing control of our emotions...Years ago, when I had troubled foster teens living with me I made a conscious choice. I decided that behaviors were not people, they were behaviors. I knew I had to love the person with or without the behavior, so I could not allow the behavior to manipulate my emotions or my relationship.
I was on the verge of losing it, right on the verge. Then I saw that Johnson and Woodell were already losing it, and I realized that I couldn't afford to. Like Penny, they beat me to the panic attack punch.
Yielding to emotions such as anger or hurt or defensiveness will drive away the Holy Ghost.
First, yielding to emotions such as anger or hurt or defensiveness will drive away the Holy Ghost. Those emotions must be eliminated, or our chance for receiving revelation is slight.
He whose intellect overcomes his desire is higher than the angels; he whose desire overcomes his intellect is less than an animal.
Come, seek, for search is the foundation of fortune: every success depends upon focusing the heart.
Remember, emotions are chemical while thoughts are electrical. You’re likely much further ahead in your crucial conversations thought process than either of the chemically-overpowered individuals you’d like to coach. Be patient. It takes time for the effects of the chemicals to subside so the brain can think clearly again. Look for a time when the person or persons can be reflective and open to suggestion.
In our course we teach that "no thought lives in your head rent-free." Each thought you have will either be an investment or a cost. It will either move you toward happiness and success or away from it. It will either empower you or disempower you. That's why it is imperative you choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Fighting is all about calmness and relaxation. My appearance was all an illusion. My appearance is of a mad man, but I'm really calm and collected. Even though I'm fighting, I'm calm and relaxed as possible, despite my displays, because once you get excited, you can't fight at the highest level of your ability.
I don't react to a tragic happening any more. I took so many bad things as a kid and some people think I don't care about anything. It's just too hard for me to get emotional. I can't cry no more.
It's the emotional punches that you can't see that are just overwhelmingly devastating to your heart - your moral fiber.
Most of my fans are too sensitive. I’m a cruel and cold and hard person. I’ve been abused in every way you can imagine. Save your tears. I lost my sensitivity. You embarrass me when you cry.
You will find that success in life comes far easier when you maintain a cool head and a warm heart, rather than a hot head and cold feet.
I see dance being used as communication between body and soul to express what is too deep to find words.
"A great truth comes over him: Trees fall with spectacular crashes. But planting is silent and growth is invisible."