“All advice to do things or not to do them is concerned with happiness, and with the things that make for or against it; whatever creates or increases happiness or some part of happiness, we ought to do; whatever destroys or hampers happiness, or gives rise to its opposite, we ought not to do.”
“Evil destroys even itself, and if it is complete becomes unbearable.”
My whole religion is this: do every duty, and expect no reward for it, either here or hereafter.
"He [Christ] does not have to be spiteful or vengeful in order that punishment will come from the breaking of the moral code. The laws are established of themselves.”
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
"Kant argued that it was not the consequences of actions that make them right or wrong but the motives of the person who carries out the action."
“The majesty of duty has nothing to do with enjoyment of life; it has its special law and its special tribunal”
“Pure practical reason does not require that we should renounce all claim to happiness, but only that the moment duty is in question we should take no account of happiness”
"Man requires a master, therefore, to curb his will, and to compel him into submission to a universal will which may secure the possibility of universal freedom.“
“Happiness is the object and design of our existence and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God. …And as God has designed our happiness—and the happiness of all His creatures, he never has—He never will institute an ordinance or give a commandment to His people that is not calculated in its nature to promote that happiness which He has designed, and which will not end in the greatest amount of good and glory to those who become the recipients of his law and ordinances.”
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.
“To kill Americans and their allies, both civil and military, is an individual duty of every Muslim who is able, in any country where this is possible,”
Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.
A VALUE is the GOOD which we desire to gain or keep. A VIRTUE is the RIGHT action by which we gain or keep it. Virtues are right actions that preserve good. Vices are wrong actions that destroy good.
Only by knowing the value of that which is good for us can we know what action is right and wrong to do in order to gain that good.
Only by knowing the end goal can we know the means to get us there.
Happiness is the ultimate goal. It is a moral need that makes up part of our identity. Moral needs have primacy over Duties (chosen obligations)
A little neglect may breed great mischief.
One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.
A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid; it is only deferred, and we must come back and settle the account at last.
Men do less than they ought, unless they do all that they can.
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do.