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quote icon Love does not advocate for sin. It does not advocate for an insistence on magnifying the natural man in each of us. Knowing the kind of blessings that can await us if we choose to use our agency for the reason it was given to us, which is to choose the right—knowing those great blessings, this will cause us to love in a different way. It doesn't allow us to condone behavior that would eventually cause someone to miss out on some of God's greatest demonstrations of love. Knowing that our choices in this life matter and will come back to us in the end, knowing that there is a resurrection, that there is a life after death, knowing that we have a purpose on this earth means that condoning any type of behavior that would cause anyone to eventually miss out on God's greatest blessing for them would be a demonstration of a lack of true and pure love for that individual. Because in condoning that type of behavior, what we're really doing is encouraging them to live a life that leads them away from God and his greatest blessings for them were ultimately encouraging them to miss out on feeling God's greatest love for them, that of receiving eternal life through the atoning sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ. So we have to walk a fine line. We really do and it can be so difficult because every person is individual. Everyone is different and they can interpret things different and interpret your motives differently, and so it really is important to have the Holy Ghost with us as we pray our hearts out for the people we love and receive them into our life and a hope for the very best for them, but not condone the things that they do that are harming themselves spiritually. It really does take revelation from God and guidance from his Holy Spirit to know how to do this in each individual instance so seek that guidance. Seek that balance, and try as hard as you can to stand with the Lord as you walk that fine line loving as he did.

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