Here is the recipe for how to corrupt love in 3 simple steps
Take the words "I Love You."
Eliminate the "I" from "I Love You"…How? Introduce Selflessness…Remove the self from the equation. Now let's Eliminate the "You" from "I love You"…How? Introduce Unconditional Love…Unconditional love has nothing to do with anyone.Now let's eliminate the concept of love itself, turning it into sacrificial, duty laden relationship."…How? Introduce Self-Sacrifice…Love is no longer recognizable as love, because it has now become "I sacrifice myself for you". So all 3 taken together… "I Love You" becomes...This unconditional, selfless, self-sacrificial love becomes an all-powerful god in itself. It becomes a universal "get-out-of-jail-free" card for anyone to do anything and get away with it as long as they claim it is love. It takes over everything it touches, becoming a law unto itself thanks to DUTY ETHICS.…