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quote icon As I have previously explained, God is not every where present personally, but He is omnipresent in the power of that spirit—the Holy Spirit—which animates all created things … This Spirit which pervades all things which is the light and life of all things, by which our Heavenly Father operates, by which He is omnipotent, never had a beginning and never will have an end. It is the light of truth; it is the spirit of intelligence … Now, this Spirit always existed; it always operated, but it is not, understood, and cannot be comprehended except through organisms. … If you see a man you behold its most perfect earthly manifestation. And if you see a glorified man, … who has passed through the various grades of being, who has overcome all things who has been raised from the dead, who has been quickened by this Spirit in its fulness, there you see manifested, in its perfection, this eternal, beginningless, endless spirit of intelligence. Such a Being is our Father and our God, and we are following in His footsteps.

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