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quote icon 5 Ways to Avoid the Need To Forgive: 1. Remember the offender may not have meant to offend. Accidents are called accidents because they were unintentional. 2. Realize the offender knows not what he does. It may not even occur to him that his actions have grave ramifications. For example, parents who verbally or emotionally abuse their children may not even be capable of imagining the damage they are doing. 3. Understand that the offender, themselves, is hurting. Too often wicked people have been treated wickedly. ... “crazy” is often the inability to successfully deal with one’s own hurt. 4. Ask yourself, “Who am I not to be hurt?” Realize "This is my trial. It was bound to happen, let’s see how I handle it." 5. Trust that Christ will punish fairly. When When we carry a grudge, refusing to speak to someone, or excluding them from our associations, our motive is often to punish them...When the offender truly gets what he deserves, which he will since God is just, we might actually feel terrible for him.

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